Lucky Bhaskar Movie Review: Dulquer Salmaan is the heir of Malayalam megastar Mammootty. His father Mammootty, although he has done films in other languages, has mostly limited himself to Kerala. However, Dulquer Salmaan is expanding his market at the Pan India level. Dulquer Salmaan, who has done films as a hero in Bollywood and Kollywood, has acted in a series of films in Telugu. After a super hit like ‘Sitaram’, he has done another striking film as a hero in Telugu. Venky Atluri, who gave Dhanush his career-best movie with the movie ‘Sar’, made Dulquer Salmaan settle in Telugu with the movie ‘Lucky Bhaskar’...
Lucky Bhaskar Movie Story:
Bhaskar works as a cashier in a government sector bank. Due to financial difficulties and family needs, he gets addicted to corruption. He starts investing money that is not his in the stock exchange. Thus, he gets stuck in the money laundering trap. What kind of situation did the desire for money put him in? And was Bhaskar able to get out of that situation? This is the story of the movie ‘Lucky Bhaskar’..
Lucky Baskhar Movie Analysis:
Venky Atluri, who directed routine love stories like ‘Toli Prema’ with Varun Tej, ‘Mr. Majnu’ with Akkineni Akhil, and ‘Rang De’ with Nithin, have directed a film with content like ‘Sar’ with Kollywood hero Dhanush and given a great film to Kollywood. Now he has directed a film with good story power with Malayalam hero Dulquer Salmaan. Why didn’t he direct stories with content like ‘Sar’ and ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ with Telugu heroes? Do our people want only commercial aspects rather than content? The suspicion that this ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ movie is not easy to get when watching..
Venky Atluri has once again scored good marks with the director of the movie ‘Lucky Bhaskar’, which was made with a theme like ‘Scam 1992’. Need, shame, injustice, hope, greed, danger.. This movie revolves around these. Venky Atluri has been super successful in making the audience completely immersed in the movie.. The emotional scenes are well worked out, and the screenplay is top-level.. The twists that come in the second half are amazing..
You can guess what will happen in a movie like this. However, even if the audience understands what is happening, Venky Atluri has written the scenes without boring them. The dialogues has taken the movie to another level. Actors like Hyper Aadi, Ramki, Surya Srinivas, and Rithvik all gave good performances...
Naveen Nooli's editing, Nimish Ravi's cinematography along with G.V. Prakash's music and background score took the movie to another level.. Director Venky Atluri has made the movie perfect with very few songs without any songs that detract from the story and once again played the 'mastermind' game...
Actors Performance:
Dulquer Salman is a great actor just like his father. Dulquer Salman, who has already reached Telugu people with the movies 'Mahanati' and 'Sitaram', has proven that he can settle in any industry. Dulquer Salman's performance has provided a powerful energy to the movie 'Lucky Bhaskar'. If he does such films, Dulquer Salmaan's market, stardom... can surpass many Telugu heroes..
Meenakshi Chowdhury, a very busy heroine in 2024. She was limited to serving coffees and omelets in the Telugu film 'Guntur Karam'. Meenakshi Chowdhury, who released 'The Greatest of All Time' films with Vijay in Tamil, also scored good marks as an actress with the movie 'Lucky Bhaskar'...
Overall, those who like content-packed movies will definitely like 'Lucky Bhaskar'. If you get an actor like Mastermind Venky Atluri and Dulquer Salmaan, the output will be like 'Lucky Bhaskar'.. - 3.50/5
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